241-42280 Fit for Britain – Cooking & Conversation (A2/B1) Everyday Healthy Food + Easy Conversation

Beginn Mi., 24.04.2024, 18:00 - 21:45 Uhr
Status Kurs abgeschlossen
Kursgebühr 31,40 € (Ermäßigung: 31,40 €)
Dauer 1 Termin
Kursleitung Anja Mennecke
Bemerkungen Messer, Geschirrtuch, Restebehälter, evtl. Schürze, Getränke werden gestellt

Let’s get fit for Britain with good food and conversation! After a cup of lemon barley water, we will prepare British food the healthy way - and with a new twist. Try Indian Cottage Pie or a crunchy detox salad for example, learn how to bake rye soda bread, and make chutney. Our dishes are inspired by Jamie Oliver, the BBC and traditional home cooking - and they are light and easy to make. From Alphabet Tomato Soup to Granola Dust and Fresh Fruit Trifle, I hope our recipes will leave you and your language skills feeling fit and refreshed.

Kurs abgeschlossen

©Anja Mennecke


Borgholzhausen, P.-A.-B.-GS, Küche

Osningstr. 14
33829 Borgholzhausen


18:00 - 21:45 Uhr
Osningstr. 14, Borgholzhausen, P.-A.-B.-GS, Küche